Supplementary outpatient insurance in addition to basic insurance

The COMPLETA TOP and COMPLETA FORTE supplementary outpatient insurance plans fill the gaps in basic insurance with regard to medication, complementary therapies and emergency transport. You also receive substantial maternity benefits, as well as contributions towards visual aids and preventive healthcare measures.

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Differences between the COMPLETA TOP and COMPLETA FORTE supplementary outpatient insurance plans

COMPLETA FORTE offers even more generous benefits than COMPLETA TOP for complementary therapies, glasses, contact lenses, emergency transport, and search and rescue operations. You also receive substantial maternity benefits, as well as contributions towards health promotion and prevention.

Please note that you can take out either COMPLETA TOP or COMPLETA FORTE.

All benefits at a glance


Contributions of up to CHF 1'300* towards health-promoting activities

Benefit from generous contributions towards health-promoting activities. SWICA will contribute up to CHF 1'300* per year depending on your chosen supplementary insurance plans. COMPLETA PRAEVENTA can only be taken out in combination with COMPLETA TOP or COMPLETA FORTE.

*This is how your prevention contribution is calculated:
90% of the costs up to CHF 500
COMPLETA PRAEVENTA: 50% of the costs up to CHF 500
OPTIMA: 90% of the remaining costs up to CHF 300

FAQ regarding outpatient insurance plans

Your health insurer will only pay for medicines that have been prescribed by a doctor. For the costs to be covered under basic insurance, a medicine must be included in the special medicines list or produced using a prescribed formulation in accordance with the medicines list with tariff. The Federal Office of Public Health decides which medicines are included in the lists.

Under the COMPLETA TOP and COMPLETA FORTE supplementary outpatient insurance plans, SWICA also contributes towards the costs of medicines in the following cases:

  • Homeopathic, phytotherapeutic and anthroposophic preparations prescribed by a SWICA-recognised doctor or therapist
  • Medically indicated products (when used for the given indication), if not covered by basic insurance
The costs of traditional Chinese medicine will be covered provided that the treatment is administered by a qualified doctor. They must also be certified in the use of alternative methods.

If this is not the case, outpatient insurance can plug the gaps in basic insurance. Under the COMPLETA TOP, COMPLETA FORTE and OPTIMA supplementary insurance plans, SWICA contributes to the costs of complementary medical treatment. The treatment must be administered by a SWICA-recognised therapist.
Under basic insurance, SWICA will pay CHF 180 annually up to the age of 18. The Federal Health Insurance Act makes no provision for any contributions towards adult glasses.

If comprehensive benefits are required, it is advisable to take out supplementary insurance that includes contributions towards glasses and contact lenses. SWICA offers comprehensive contributions under the COMPLETA TOP, COMPLETA FORTE, OPTIMA and SUPPLEMENTA outpatient insurance plans.
Under basic insurance, SWICA will pay CHF 180 annually towards the costs of contact lenses and children’s glasses up to the age of 18. Higher contributions are only paid in the event of very severe sight defects or of illness.

If more comprehensive contributions are required, it is advisable to take out supplementary insurance. SWICA’s COMPLETA TOP, COMPLETA FORTE, OPTIMA and SUPPLEMENTA outpatient insurance plans offer different levels of benefits.
Under basic insurance, SWICA pays CHF 180 annually towards the costs of contact lenses and glasses up to the age of 18. It is advisable to consider taking out outpatient insurance for children and adults. SWICA provides generous contributions towards the costs of contact lenses and glasses under the COMPLETA TOP, COMPLETA FORTE, OPTIMA and SUPPLEMENTA plans.

We are happy to advise you

Would you like more information on SWICA or a personal consultation? Client Services would be happy to assist. Call us on 0800 80 90 80 or send us a message using the contact form below.

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Exclusive services and advantages for SWICA customers with supplementary insurance

  • Over 100 offers and contributions of up to 1'300 francs per year for health-promoting activities and preventive healthcare (find out more)
  • Support from alternative therapy methods thanks to the equal consideration of conventional and complementary medicine
  • Discounts and the innovative TytoHome telemedicine device for medical examinations at home
  • Reduced hourly rate for care for your home during hospital or medical spa stays (Home Attendant service)

Discover all the benefits

Switch to the number 1 in customer satisfaction now

Comparis, K-Tipp, and AmPuls - in comparisons of health insurers, SWICA outperformed all the major Swiss health insurers to secure first place overall for customer satisfaction. You too can place your trust in SWICA and benefit from the exclusive advantages it offers.
How your premium discount breaks down
The BENEVITA discount is based on the level you reached individually, as shown in the app. The Special Conditions explain the details of the BENEVITA programme. You earn points by completing challenges. All three discount levels must be achieved to benefit from the highest BENEVITA discount. This means collecting a total of 2'500 points.

Supplementary insurances: COMPLETA TOP
Discount level 1: 300 points 5% discount 5% discount
Discount level 2: plus 700 points 5% discount 10% discount
Discount level 3: plus 1'500 points 5% discount 15% discount

What our customers have to say

Fabienne Grass
«I really love the invoice app. It’s so easy to use. And so quick.»
Daniel Henke
«For our family, only the best is good enough. Thanks to SWICA, we were able to enjoy the first hours and days together in a family room after our daughter was born. It’s wonderful and reassuring to know that, if anything happens, we as a young family are in good hands with SWICA.»
Edith Bino
«I had an unpleasant experience abroad when my insulin pump suddenly packed in. The foreign bureaucracy meant that it was far from easy to get hold of two different kinds of insulin and pens. So I eventually ended up in the emergency ward of a large hospital, where I quickly realised just how spoiled we Swiss are. The silver lining appeared after I came back home and sent the bills to SWICA. There were simply no questions or quibbles. The costs were reimbursed to my account after just ten days!

I can't thank SWICA enough for what they did. If you suffer from a chronic illness, you can count yourself lucky to have an efficient and understanding health insurer. Thank you very much.»
Corinne Dittrich
«I’m currently at a rehab centre getting some really excellent treatment. I’m also aware that all this costs a lot of money. SWICA has made this possible for me, and I’m therefore convinced that they take me seriously and know that this is what I need. And, yes, my rehabilitation has been a great success!!! I never thought that this would be possible, but SWICA has provided me with the best option. I’ve regained confidence in my health and am fully committed to maintaining it with all I've got, and I hope to even improve it with some luck and willpower.

And during my illness I was able to support my son while he had his first operation. This, too, was not a problem, which made all of us very happy.»