Supplementary outpatient insurance as a complement to basic insurance

You can extend your insurance cover and fill the gaps in basic insurance with supplementary outpatient insurance from SWICA.

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Based on COMPLETA TOP or COMPLETA FORTE supplementary outpatient insurance

COMPLETA TOP or COMPLETA FORTE provide the basis for your supplementary outpatient insurance. COMPLETA FORTE offers even more generous benefits than COMPLETA TOP for complementary therapies, glasses, contact lenses, emergency transport, and search and recovery operations. With COMPLETA FORTE, you also benefit from substantial contributions towards health promotion and prevention.

Please note that you can take out either COMPLETA TOP or COMPLETA FORTE.

Co-payments in basic insurance:
SWICA charges the co-payments prescribed by law or defined in the contract for these benefits.

Under the General Insurance Conditions (GIC) and Supplementary Conditions (SC), adult customers can choose between no excess and an excess of CHF 600 for these benefits. Children below the age of 18 are exempt from any excess. All insured persons are subject to a deductible of 10% (max. CHF 700 for adults and CHF 350 for children). Any co-payments already made under mandatory healthcare insurance are carried over (see «SWICA advantage»).

Further extend your insurance cover

Before you can enjoy additional supplementary outpatient cover, you need to purchase COMPLETA TOP or COMPLETA FORTE.

FAQ regarding outpatient insurance plans

Your health insurer will only pay for medicines that have been prescribed by a doctor. For the costs to be covered under basic insurance, a medicine must be included in the special medicines list or produced using a prescribed formulation in accordance with the medicines list with tariff. The Federal Office of Public Health decides which medicines are included in the lists.

Under the COMPLETA TOP and COMPLETA FORTE supplementary outpatient insurance plans, SWICA also contributes towards the costs of medicines in the following cases:

  • Homeopathic, phytotherapeutic and anthroposophic preparations prescribed by a SWICA-recognised doctor or therapist
  • Medically indicated products (when used for the given indication), if not covered by basic insurance
The costs of traditional Chinese medicine will be covered provided that the treatment is administered by a qualified doctor. They must also be certified in the use of alternative methods.

If this is not the case, outpatient insurance can plug the gaps in basic insurance. Under the COMPLETA TOP, COMPLETA FORTE and OPTIMA supplementary insurance plans, SWICA contributes to the costs of complementary medical treatment. The treatment must be administered by a SWICA-recognised therapist.
Under basic insurance, SWICA will pay CHF 180 annually up to the age of 18. The Federal Health Insurance Act makes no provision for any contributions towards adult glasses.

If comprehensive benefits are required, it is advisable to take out supplementary insurance that includes contributions towards glasses and contact lenses. SWICA offers comprehensive contributions under the COMPLETA TOP, COMPLETA FORTE, OPTIMA and SUPPLEMENTA outpatient insurance plans.
Under basic insurance, SWICA will pay CHF 180 annually towards the costs of contact lenses and children’s glasses up to the age of 18. Higher contributions are only paid in the event of very severe sight defects or of illness.

If more comprehensive contributions are required, it is advisable to take out supplementary insurance. SWICA’s COMPLETA TOP, COMPLETA FORTE, OPTIMA and SUPPLEMENTA outpatient insurance plans offer different levels of benefits.
Under basic insurance, SWICA pays CHF 180 annually towards the costs of contact lenses and glasses up to the age of 18. It is advisable to consider taking out outpatient insurance for children and adults. SWICA provides generous contributions towards the costs of contact lenses and glasses under the COMPLETA TOP, COMPLETA FORTE, OPTIMA and SUPPLEMENTA plans.

Contributions of up to CHF 1'300* towards health-promoting activities

Benefit from generous contributions towards health-promoting activities. SWICA will contribute up to CHF 1'300* per year depending on your chosen supplementary insurance plans. COMPLETA PRAEVENTA can only be taken out in combination with COMPLETA TOP or COMPLETA FORTE.

*This is how your prevention contribution is calculated:
90% of the costs up to CHF 500
COMPLETA PRAEVENTA: 50% of the costs up to CHF 500
OPTIMA: 90% of the remaining costs up to CHF 300

Insurance advice until 21:00

Take advantage of comprehensive insurance advice: SWICA employees will be glad to answer your questions by telephone, even in the evenings until 21:00, Monday to Friday. Call free of charge 0800 80 90 80

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How your premium discount breaks down
The BENEVITA discount is based on the level you reached individually, as shown in the app. The Special Conditions explain the details of the BENEVITA programme. You earn points by completing challenges. All three discount levels must be achieved to benefit from the highest BENEVITA discount. This means collecting a total of 2'500 points.

Supplementary insurances: COMPLETA TOP
Discount level 1: 300 points 5% discount 5% discount
Discount level 2: plus 700 points 5% discount 10% discount
Discount level 3: plus 1'500 points 5% discount 15% discount