Tips for preventive healthcare at companies

Presentations, workshops and webinars

Thanks to a broad range of prevention management services, SWICA can meet the individual needs of its corporate clients. In addition to holistic advice and comprehensive OHM concepts, it offers individual measures on specific topics in the form of lectures, workshops, webinars or medical services. All these services are delivered by experienced specialists at the customer's location or online as webinars. In order to increase the sustainability of the contents conveyed to the participants, the events can be supplemented with e-learning options and/or "FollowUp" offers. With "FollowUp," participants receive several short messages after the workshop or webinar to review the content and tips and to encourage them to apply what they learned.

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Health and wellbeing

Employees who are absent from work not only costs the company money but also increase the workload of their colleagues. With targeted OHM measures, companies can improve the health and wellbeing of employees and thus avoid, or at least reduce, absenteeism from illness and accidents. The OHM programme uses lectures, workshops and webinars to raise the health awareness of each employee and to strengthen his or her sense of personal responsibility.

Live healthy, stay healthy

Health is a hugely complex subject that can be influenced not only by individual factors and behaviours but also by societal and economic conditions. But what are the factors that we can exercise some control over ourselves? This talk considers health within the context of lifestyle, covering the areas of exercise, nutrition and mental health, and is ideal for companies who are looking to give their employees a comprehensive overview. A deeper dive into individual topics can also be offered as an add-on.

Aims and contents
  • Factors influencing health
  • Three pillars of health (exercise, nutrition, mental health)
  • Tips and ideas to apply in day-to-day life


There are many myths and facts about nutrition. During the presentation, participants receive a practical introduction to nutrition science and simple tips for a healthy lifestyle. Furthermore, they will learn more about how their eating habits relate to their health. After all, those who eat well – in line with their circumstances – are more productive, cope better with stress, can concentrate more, are slimmer, and ultimately feel better. All these factors have a positive effect on health, both in the short and long term. The programme also covers exercise in a way that optimally complements the content on nutrition.

Aims and contents
  • receive a thorough introduction to the topic of nutrition
  • understand the relationship between poor nutrition and lifestyle diseases
  • understand why society is increasingly struggling with obesity
  • are able to modify their diet to reduce body fat
  • learn many ways to develop healthy eating habits that match their lifestyle
  • learn about the latest research findings


A lack of exercise is one of the main causes of physical ailments in our society. Good exercise doesn’t just make people happier and healthier, it also boosts motivation and performance. Typical lifestyle diseases include type II diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood lipids, and various types of cancer – with heart disease, up to and including heart attacks, as the most frequent cause of death. Sport or regular physical activity are among the most important preventive measures to reduce the risk of such health problems. In the lecture/webinar, participants learn which sports are suitable, how much training is necessary, and what health benefits they can expect.

Aims and contents
  • Exercise as the cornerstone of prevention
  • Consequences of a lack of exercise
  • Presentation of exercise strategies and a range of sports
  • Integrating exercise into everyday life
  • Pros and cons of various sports


Good sleep is essential for the health and performance of your employees. At the same time, sleep disorders are very common: one in four persons has problems with falling sleep, sleeping through the night or waking up too early. Persistent sleep disorders can disrupt the private and professional lives of those affected. During the lecture/webinar, a doctor will explain the causes of sleep disorders and their effects on health and performance. Participants also receive tips and relaxation exercises for better sleep.

Aims and contents
  • “Sleep architecture”: Developing healthy sleep habits
  • Influence of sleep and sleep disorders on health and performance
  • Findings from chronobiology, including self-test (optional)
  • Tips and relaxation exercises for better sleep
  • Questionnaire for analysing personal sleep habits (optional)

The lecture can be combined with the "HRV measurement" medical offer.


The World Health Organization (WHO) recognises stress as one of the major health issues of the 21st century. Based on information by the Swiss Foundation for the Promotion of Health, stress costs the Swiss economy an estimated 6.5 billion francs per year. For these reasons, it is all the more important to handle stress and regeneration correctly.

  • Background information on dealing with stress
  • Presentation of selected relaxation methods (Qigong, breathing techniques, meditation, mental training, progressive muscle relaxation (PMR), etc.)
  • Group practice of these methods
  • Learning about the benefits and application of microbreaks

Healthy immune system

Drastic measures have been taken worldwide to contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus. Yet, a vaccine is not to be understood as a panacea. In addition, there is the seasonal flu, which claims up to 650,000 lives a year. It is therefore important to develop a strong immune system to protect us from infections and reduce the chance of a severe course of a disease. During the lecture, participants will learn about the factors that weaken and strengthen our immune system. And they learn how to contribute to strengthening their immune system.

Aims and contents
  • Our immune system in brief
  • Explain the context around the immune system and the risk factors for Covid-19
  • The classic pillars of a healthy immune system are nutrition, exercise and sleep.
  • Findings from psychoneuroimmunology: How thoughts and feelings influence the immune system
  • Ways to strengthen your immune system

Would you like more information about our OHM offer? The prevention management team at SWICA will be glad to assist.

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Mental health

According to a definition by the World Health Organisation (WHO), we should not consider the body and mind as separate entities but as a whole: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” SWICA offers various presentations/webinars and workshops for employees about mental health to provide them with specific, long-term support.


Participants learn the difference between attentiveness and mindfulness. We look at how mindfulness benefits our mental and physical health, and how participants can incorporate mindfulness exercises into their daily lives. They learn to be more mindful in their treatment of themselves and others, and how to be more calm and composed. As one of the resilience factors, mindfulness boosts mental robustness and can help people in high-pressure jobs avoid burning out, for example by reducing their perceived stress levels.

Aims and contents
Participants learn
  • what mindfulness is
  • how it can be applied
  • the value it offers for them and others
  • simple everyday exercises


Approximately one third of the Swiss working population feels frequently or very frequently stressed. This can result in high costs if it leads to health problems. What is stress? Why does it exist and how is it measured? Participants will learn about the differences between positive and negative stress and how to cope in such situations.

Aims and contents
  • know the definitions of positive and negative stress
  • know how stress expresses itself
  • are able to use methods for dealing with stress (stress management strategies, microbreaks)


There are people who remain in good health despite intense pressure and bounce back from severe setbacks by feeling even stronger. This has to do with resilience, among other things: Resilient people can cope with pressure and stress in a way that allows them to regain their inner balance after a challenging phase.

Aims and contents
  • understand the factors underlying the resilience model
  • are aware of the seven resilience factors
  • discover their resilience potential
  • are aware of resilient thought and behaviour patterns

Preventing burnout

The term "burnout" is used to describe a state of physical, mental and emotional exhaustion. Some people regard burnout as little more than a fad, while others see it as evidence of an epidemic. Nevertheless, more and more – predominantly young – people are asking for sick leave because of burnout. But burnout can often be prevented if detected early.

Aims and contents
Participants know
  • the difference between burnout and depression
  • the symptoms of burnout and depression
  • the factors that contribute to burnout or depression
  • ways to protect themselves against burnout and how to get help


Addiction is a widespread phenomenon in our society but rarely acknowledged or discussed openly. Depending on the scope and duration of the habit, it becomes impossible to ignore the negative consequences of addiction, which are extremely painful for those affected and their families. A social and stable environment that provides the help the person needs during tough phases is the best medicine. Being well informed about the effects of substance abuse is just as important as having the ability to deal with mental and physical stress.

Aims and contents
  • learn about the various types of addiction and their consequences
  • are familiar with the signs of addictive behaviour
  • know who they can approach if they are affected by addiction, either directly or indirectly
  • know the causes of addiction and how to prevent it

Dealing with anxiety

Anxiety is part of life, even though it is mostly seen as threatening. While it is essential for our survival, it can also seriously hamper our lives. But anxiety often also harbours new opportunities to develop as a person and become more resilient.

Aims and contents
  • recognise and understand the causes of anxiety
  • learn methods to recognise, control and reduce anxiety

Digital mindfulnes

Digital media dominate our everyday lives: Over 90 percent of Swiss people use digital media daily or at least several times a week. But one to four percent of them develop problematic habits that can negatively impact their health. In this module, participants learn about the connections between using digital media and personal health.

Aims and contents
  • know current facts and figures about the topic of digitalisation
  • understand the impact of the digital world on health
  • reflect on their habits in the context of digital media
  • get tips on how to develop good habits when using digital media

Suicide prevention

Although two to three people take their life in Switzerland every day and many more people attempt to do so, the subject remains taboo. A suicide often occurs in a state of extreme mental stress, reflecting the person's state of hopelessness. In this module, participants get an overview of the current situation in Switzerland, can recognise the signs of suicidal tendencies, and learn about the options for intervening.

Aims and contents
  • know current facts and figures on the topic of suicide
  • recognise a potentially increased risk of suicide
  • recognise signs of suicidal tendencies
  • know the possibilities for intervening

Mental health for apprentices

In this workshop, apprentices learn what mental health means, and how to spot the early signs of issues in themselves and in others. The impact of stress and digital media on our health is also discussed. The workshop covers practical approaches to self-care that can boost performance and satisfaction in one's professional life. The aim is to equip participants with tools they can use to support their mental health over the long term while also creating a healthy working environment for their teams.

Aims and contents
Participants learn
  • about the different aspects of health, and what mental health means
  • how to spot early warning signs
  • about the relationship between stress and mental health
  • how digital media influences our experience of stress
  • ways to build up their mental health
  • where they can get help
Would you like more information about our OHM offer? The prevention management team at SWICA will be glad to assist.

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Leadership and the workplace

Absences due to illness or accident cost companies a lot of money: In Switzerland, each person misses an average of six days of work per year for health reasons, which comes to an average of CHF 1,100 per day, according to the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). It is therefore all the more important that managers get the training and support they need to maintain their health and that of their employees. Other important factors include healthful working conditions and habits of employees. SWICA therefore offers companies various presentations, webinars and workshops to support managers and employees in their everyday work.


In this workshop, managers learn how they can improve their own health and wellbeing by paying greater attention to self-care. It covers practical approaches to self-care that can boost performance and satisfaction in one's professional life. The aim is to equip participants with tools they can use to support their physical and mental health over the long term, while also creating a healthy working environment for their teams.

Aims and contents
  • learn about the elements of self-care and how they contribute to good health
  • discover ways in which they can practise self-care
  • develop an awareness of the importance of self-care

Optional: can also be offered to non-managerial employees

Conflicts in the workplace

Conflicts or reactions to grievances play a part in more than half of the mentally related cases of being unable to work. Participants learn how to recognise conflicts, differentiate between and manage different types of conflict, and employ preventive measures to promote a healthy working atmosphere. They will also gain confidence in dealing with challenging conversations, and receive practical tips and techniques on mastering difficult situations.

Aims and contents
  • learn how to identify conflicts and distinguish between the different types.
  • gain more confidence in dealing with conflicts.
  • receive input on preventing conflicts and feel more secure conducting challenging conversations.


Feedback is an essential factor in the effective joint evolution of employees and organisations. Participants find out about the different types and functions of feedback and how feedback can be used as an effective instrument. Participants also learn about the conditions under which feedback can be given and taken constructively so that it can have a positive effect.

Aims and contents
  • learn to use feedback as an effective instrument
  • are familiar with the elements of feedback and can apply them

Presence and absence management

In Switzerland, companies lose around CHF 6.5 billion annually in productivity due to absent employees (according to estimates by Health Promotion Switzerland). These costs can be reduced by means of systematic absence management. Essentially, this means clearly defining support measures and applying them before, during and after an absence. Managers should be trained and made aware of crisis indicators among employees as early as possible to provide the right support at an early stage.

Aims and contents
  • understand the processes and benefits of absence management
  • can recognise the signs that an employee is in a crisis situation and take prompt appropriate action
  • become more self-assured in conducting difficult staff appraisals
  • reduce long-term absences in the company
  • boost productivity

Healthy change management

Large and/or frequent changes often cause stress among managers and employees, and a failure to recognise its effects can result in absences and illness. The half-day workshop aims to reduce absenteeism and presenteeism by encouraging a sensitive approach to managing change. By taking their own change process as an example, managers will learn how to reduce resistance and identify opportunities – both for themselves and their employees. Recommendations and tools will help increase the willingness to change and make the process less stressful.

Aims and contents
  • understand the connection between health and change
  • gain confidence in how to lead and manage change processes to promote health
  • get recommendations on how to lead and apply relevant tools


Everyday working life often involves inadequate or repetitive movement. With a few simple measures, employees can prevent back and neck problems, a frequent occurrence at work. During the presentation or webinar, employees learn about the basics and the connection between ergonomics and physical symptoms. Essential considerations include using workplace facilities correctly and adopting appropriate habits concerning movements in everyday life at work and during one's free time. The offer is suitable for office and production workplaces and will be adapted accordingly.

Aims and contents
  • the connection between ergonomics and health problems as well as personalised ways of preventing them
  • ergonomic workplace design
  • ergonomic movements
  • appropriate habits concerning movements in everyday life at work and during one's free time

Time management

Heavy workloads and demands from the family, further education programmes or sick relatives often make it hard to strike a healthy balance in terms of work, leisure and sleep. During the presentation or webinar, participants learn that time management above all means self-management – a skill that's becoming increasingly important in a society where information and performance are paramount. The ability to set the right priorities forms the basis. Sometimes all it takes is changing your habits a little or acquiring some practical tools to simplify your life.

Aims and contents
  • understand the important rules for managing their time
  • know which activities squander their time and can eliminate them
  • reflect on their schedules and priorities
  • learn tips on how to organise their work
  • know the importance of microbreaks

Health circles

Health circles aim to promote the good health of all employees. It is a tried-and-tested tool for involving employees in the solution-finding process and strengthening personal responsibility and initiative. Employees from various levels, departments and locations within the company work together to devise health promotion measures. Once the measures have been implemented, the outcomes are evaluated and the situation is reassessed with a view to planning the next steps.

Aims and contents
  • Collect health-relevant factors (stressors and resources) and working conditions
  • Analyse, evaluate and prioritise
  • Develop relevant measures
  • Present the findings to decision makers

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Contact us

Do you have any questions about our OHM services, or would you like to arrange a personal consultation? SWICA's OHM team would be delighted to help you online or by phone. Call +41 58 800 99 33 or complete the form below.
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