Frequently Asked Questions

You can change your email address here. Please log in using your old email address and current password. If this is not possible, please contact SWICA Client Services.
You can reset your password here.
You can reset your mobile phone number here.
You can request your email address here.
Yes, you can delete your SWICA account here. Please note that you will lose access to all of the digital services (i.e. BENEVITA, mySWICA, BENECURA and the therapist directory) once the SWICA account has been deleted.
All SWICA customers aged 14 and over with active insurance cover can register for mySWICA.
All SWICA customers aged 18 and over with active insurance cover can register for BENECURA.
SWICA customers aged 18 and over can register for BENEVITA.
Yes, internet access is essential.
You can allow your partner to access your personal mySWICA profile and also manage access to your children's insurance cover through the authorisation management function.

The SMS security code may not reach you for any of the following reasons:

  • We have the wrong mobile phone number. You can update this here.
  • You are not connected to your provider's network. Make sure that your phone has good reception.
  • You have blocked the sender. Check this with your mobile phone provider and deactivate the lock.
  • The sender was automatically blocked by your device via the spam filter. Please check your blocked contacts and unblock our SMS code sender.
  • The cache of your device is full and no more SMS codes can be received. You can restart your device to clean it up.
mySWICA is intended exclusively for use in Switzerland. Any use of mySWICA via foreign mobile networks or internet connections is at the user’s own risk. In this context, SWICA explicitly points out that use of mySWICA abroad will be subject to the laws of the country in which the customer is located at the time. SWICA has no influence on this and therefore advises against using mySWICA outside Switzerland. Furthermore, no guarantee is offered that it will be possible to access the information and services provided by mySWICA outside Switzerland. You can find out more from our GTC.
Sorry, only one document can be submitted at a time. Once you have uploaded a document, you will be given the option of uploading more documents. If you would like to submit invoices for other family members, please start the scan process separately for each person.
Delays may occur occasionally when user data is being updated. We will send you an email to let you know when it is possible to log in.
Yes, you must be able to produce the original documents upon request.
Please note that after your first login to mySWICA, all documents will be sent to you digitally within mySWICA. In the mySWICA settings, you can go to the "Dispatch of documents" option and select "Digital and by post". In this case, all documents will be sent by post as well as being made available in the portal.
Yes, once mySWICA is activated you will automatically be sent messages by email. You can manage your "Push message" settings in the app. If you want to change the default notification by email, this must be done via mySWICA on your computer in the settings. There you can also define whether we should inform you about new events by SMS and/or email. The email and SMS settings can only be updated via the portal.
Yes, you can submit invoices for all family members provided that they are included in the same family policy. Simply choose the family member in question.
If you have locked yourself out of mySWICA, you can unlock your account yourself. After three attempts to unlock your account, your access will be blocked permanently. Please contact SWICA Client Services to unlock your account.
Each scanned and submitted invoice is displayed in the events. If more than one document is submitted, only one event appears in the events under the name "Document transmitted". However, all scanned documents can be seen there.
Yes, you can upload and submit invoices in our mySWICA customer portal.
The document that's been submitted is incomplete for processing. Please ensure that the whole document is visible and easy to read, and that the name and the insured person number can be identified clearly.
Please note that you will no longer be able to access mySWICA after the contract expires.