
Floating relaxes body and mind

Floating is a big trend. In addition to relaxing the muscles it creates inner peace. In our latest health tip we explain how floating works and how it affects the body.

Floating (sometimes called float or flotation therapy) is a method of relaxation that’s already very popular in the United States. Invented by Dr John C. Lilly in the 1950s, in the last few years the trend has also reached Switzerland.

If you’ve ever been to a spa you’ll be familiar with warm saline (saltwater) baths. The idea behind floating is similar. You can choose between an open pool or a type of covered tank.

After showering, you lie in a bath of saline solution around 30 centimetres deep at a temperature of about 35 degrees that’s precisely dosed so that your body floats on the water. This floating creates a feeling of weightlessness.

It’s important to really let your head fall, because only that way can your neck and spine really relax.

Competitive athletes use floating baths to relax their muscles: floating in saltwater helps reduce tension after heavy exertion. But it’s not just sportspeople who can benefit. The calm, darkened environment is a great place to get lost in your thoughts and recover from everyday stresses.
Various studies (see; German only) demonstrate that floating helps reduce stress. Saline baths can also be very helpful for people with skin problems such as neurodermitis or acne. The saltwater restores the moisture lost from the skin and helps accelerate the transport of minerals.
Did you know that under the COMPLETA FORTE, COMPLETA PRAEVENTA and OPTIMA supplementary insurance plans SWICA contributes up to CHF 900* towards preventive healthcare relating to relaxation and wellbeing? *More information here.