Taking care of dry skin
Cold winter days and over-heated rooms can be a big problem for the skin. As the largest organ in the human body, the skin protects us from harmful ultra-violet rays and other environmental factors. Skincare is especially important during the coldest part of the year.
When temperatures fall, the sebaceous glands cut their output, and when the temperature reaches minus 8ºC they shut down completely. As a result, the skin runs short of essential lipids and there is a lack of moisture and natural oils. The tips below can help you keep your skin smooth and healthy.
Beauty care from the outside in
- You should always use mild products. Cleansing milk, for example, is gentler on the skin than a gel wash. You should also avoid using peeling treatments during the winter as these put stress on the skin.
- Avoid face tonics which contain alcohol because they tend to dehydrate the skin and can destroy the protective lipid layer.
- You can treat chapped lips by using lip balm containing honey essence, jojoba oil or phantheol because these substances promote regeneration.
- Shower in lukewarm water. In fact, it's good to have a brief cold shower at the end in order to boost the circulation and strengthen the body's defences.
- Use moisturising creams that are free from preservatives, perfumes and colours. Moisturise your skin regularly. It's best to moisturise your face mornings and evenings and your body after every shower or bath. Areas of skin that can become rough, such as the elbows, knees and shins, can be treated with creams containing olive, jojoba, almond or pomegranate oils because these deliver additional moisture and keep the skin smooth.
Beauty care from the inside out
- Make sure you drink enough to keep your skin supplied with moisture. Water and unsweetened tea are ideal.
- Balanced nutrition provides the skin with the vital beauty vitamins A, C, E and B as well as the important omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Vitamin A boosts the metabolism, promotes cell division, helps prevent wrinkles, and delays skin ageing. Vitamin C slows down the hardening of blood vessels, boosts the immune system and strengthens the skin, connective tissue and gums. And the essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids help prevent the skin from drying out.
Remedies for dry skin
In the following video (in German), Silke Schmitt-Oggier, Medical Director at santé24, explains which remedies she recommends for dry skin:
In the event of further health-related questions, SWICA customers can contact the santé24 telemedicine service free of charge on +41 44 404 86 86. A telemedicine practice licence allows santé24 physicians to provide additional medical services in cases that are suited to a telemedicine approach. SWICA customers can also use the BENECURA medical app to carry out a digital SymptomCheck and receive recommendations about what to do next. During a subsequent phone call with santé24, customers can decide for themselves whether to release their information from SymptomCheck to santé24.