Flu vaccination tips

Workplace flu vaccination

The annual flu vaccination not only protects individuals against infection and illness, it also protects their home and work environments. SWICA follows the recommendations of the FOPH and advocates flu vaccination for individuals at risk and those in direct contact with them.
  • The annual vaccination significantly reduces the risk of contracting flu.
  • Vaccinated individuals protect both themselves and others (especially at-risk groups and individuals for whom vaccination is not an option).
  • Vaccinated individuals minimise their risk of serious complications.
  • Vaccinated individuals help reduce working hours lost due to illness and the associated costs.
  • The burden on the Swiss health system is lower thanks to the reduced risk of contracting flu.

Studies have shown that in a «normal» flu season, around 10% of employees fall ill with seasonal flu. The cost to the Swiss economy is CHF 300 million per year. Thanks to workplace flu vaccination from SWICA:

  • Companies protect their employees and at-risk groups and reduce absences.
  • Companies can offer the seasonal flu vaccination conveniently and on favourable terms.
  • Companies receive help in motivating as many employees as possible to receive the vaccination since they can be vaccinated free of charge and in a very short time.
  • Companies position themselves as employers who actively support their employees' health.
Vaccination should be carried out annually because flu viruses mutate and the flu vaccine is therefore modified annually. The best time to have the vaccination is from mid-October to the start of December at the latest.

Offer for companies

SWICA offers the seasonal flu vaccination in collaboration with its network partners. The vaccination is given at the companies' premises or in pharmacies through a voucher scheme:
Vaccination at pharmacies through a voucher scheme
The companies give out vouchers that employees can redeem at partner pharmacies throughout Switzerland. Vaccination at a pharmacy takes about 15 minutes and is given in the presence of a pharmacist with the relevant vaccination permit.

  • Good value for money
  • Flexibility for employees, who can get vaccinated at a time of their choosing
  • No limit on employee numbers
  • National network of pharmacies in all cantons: more than 300 pharmacies are available to your employees.
  • Attractive costs: only vouchers redeemed at a pharmacy will be billed.

Vaccination at the company's premises
The vaccination is given at the company's premises by a medical team provided by the network partner. The minimum deployment period is half a day, during which up to 45 people can be vaccinated. Each vaccination takes about five minutes.

  • Quick and convenient for employees
  • Employees are more motivated to get vaccinated
  • Clear commitment by the company
  • Fixed costs

Interested? Ask for a no-obligation quotation.

Are you interested in offering flu vaccination in your company? Simply complete the form. Once we have received your enquiry, we will contact you to discuss the offer and the next steps.

Ask for a no-obligation quotation

Flu vaccination check

The FOPH has published a flu vaccination check. Interested parties answer five questions to find out whether they should be vaccinated against seasonal flu.

FOPH flu vaccination check

Form for quotation enquiry

No. of locations *
SWICA customer *
Interest in *
Have you carried out a workplace vaccination campaign in the past? *

Contact person

* Compulsory field

What our customers have to say.

Judit Fröhlich, Bühler AG
«Our working life is becoming increasingly flexible and diverse. But SWICA has shown to be open to new ideas and adapts to our needs. Be it for presentations, consultations or the annual flu vaccination campaign, SWICA has always been a professional and trustworthy partner.»